3 Tips For Creating Content That A Senior Demographic Will Relate To

If you have a business that caters to a senior demographic, you’re going to have to think about your products, services, and content a bit differently than those businesses that are trying to target younger audiences. But luckily, there are things that you can do to ensure that it’s this demographic and not anyone else that really connects with the things your business puts out.

To help you in doing this, here are three tips for creating content for those in assisted living facilities or other demographics of senior citizens. 

Don’t Sleep On Email Marketing

For a lot of other demographics, especially those that try to focus on B2C sales rather than B2B sales, there’s a big push for social media marketing as opposed to things like email marketing. However, seniors are often more likely to click through to emails from businesses than any other demographic. 

If you’re able to create an email that markets your product or service well and gives clear instructions about where to click and what outcome will happen from clicking on that button, there’s a decent chance that your older demographic will click on that. So if you’ve been focusing all of your marketing dollars on social media or influencer marketing, you might want to consider how doing more with email marketing could benefit your business and better reach your target audience. 

Make Your Content An Experience

Seniors more than others tend to appreciate good marketing that really connects with them and gives them an experience. So if you’re not currently trying to create real experiences for people as part of your marketing ideas, you may want to consider how you could better do this when marketing to senior citizens. 

One idea you might want to look into more is personalization. Doing something as little as including the person’s name can help older audiences feel more connected to your company and make them more likely to want to work with you. 

Think About Accessibility

Another thing that you’ll need to consider when marketing to an older audience is accessibility. If what you’re trying to create for your audience isn’t accessible to them, then you’re just wasting your time, money, and energy.

As an older demographic, your audience might need changes to accessibility that include things like bigger text sizes, more contrast between colors, bold fonts, options for subtitles, loud and clear audio, and more. By making your content accessible in these ways, you’ll ensure that most of the people in your demographic will be able to consume the content you’ve created just as you’ve intended it to be consumed. 

If you want to create content that really connects with an older demographic, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you in doing this.